Strategies that fit

Whether a small upstart organization or a large established public company, we all have needs.  Just a little different.  Our services aim the focus on your specific need in your specific industry.  We build a tailored solution with a sensible approach.

Strategies that fit

Whether a small upstart organization or a large established public company, we all have needs.  Just a little different.  Our services aim the focus on your specific need in your specific industry.  We build a tailored solution with a sensible approach.

A smarter, faster way to do business

Has your business hit a point where you’ve outgrown the technology that has helped you get you where you are? Will your business continue to grow if you don’t allow the technology to grow with it? We can help!


Managed Service Provider (MSP) Advisory

Our principals understand your need to provide a high quality, affordable service, while providing the top notch customer service. At times MSP’s have challenges in meeting some of the customer and product demands. We bring expertise to the table to help you through these times.

  • Process Review, Analysis, and Development (Sales, Engineering, Support, Infrastructure)
  • Technology Supplier and Analysis
  • Product Rationalization and Product Development
  • Technology and Organizational Integration from mergers/acquisition
  • Outsourced Sales and Sales Engineering Efforts

Business Technology Advisory

You are building an awesome business, but extremely busy.  We all know what happens when we get busy.  We tend to miss things.  Some may not be so important, but sometimes a miss can cause the loss or missed profits of hundreds of thousands of dollars. With technology it’s even more important to understand the details.  We help you wade through the details of the technologies and ensure that you aren’t missing out on critical tools that you need to realize your dream and build your business.

  • IT, Network, and IT Infrastructure Assessment, Planning, Design
  • Vendor Analysis and selection
  • Technology Procurement
  • Project Management
  • Cloud and Data Security Assessments and Strategies

Project Management Services

Special projects within a business are critical.  A high level of project success will create desired profits, increase moral, build culture, and build sustainable skills for future projects.  At times your project managers are tasked with managing projects as their side job, potentially losing critical focus. This leads to a lower level of success.  We help drive your projects to completion with laser focus and precision using the tools needed to be agile.

  • Project Scoping and Outlining
  • Resource Allocation and Internal Responsibility Assignments
  • Project Leadership and Execution
  • Cross Organizational Matrix Leadership
  • Executive Readouts, Reporting, and Hand-over to internal leadership

Technology Sales (Network & IT Services, Hardware, and Software)

You wouldn’t think twice about using a Real Estate Agent, why not use a technology agent?  Technology changes what seems to be daily.  How are you to know if you are getting the best for your dollar?  We help you through this process by ensuring you have the best solution with the right technology partner.  We have partnerships with the most trusted network, hardware, software, and security vendors in the industries and work with them to get the best value for your money and help you manage the procurement process.

  • IT Infrastructure Hardware and Services
  • Cloud
  • Network
  • Security
  • Telecom

Cloud Migration and Data Security Strategy Development

Cloud technologies can mystify and freeze even the most seasoned IT organization.  We understand the Cloud and the varying ways that you can use the cloud to benefit your organization.   From the most simplistic cloud SaaS application to the full-blown outsourced IaaS within the hyperscalers (AWS, Azure, Google), we can help you understand the varying options and even help you through migrations, while ensuring that your monthly costs don’t spiral out of control.  With IT infrastructure in the cloud comes even more security concerns.  We help ensure your trusted assets are secure.

  • Cloud and Data Security Design
  • Office 365 Design and Migrations
  • Cloud and Data Security Sales
  • Cloud Migration and Management
  • Periodic Assessments & On-going Management

Cost Analysis and Optimization

Without consistent monitoring, your vendor bills can get out of hand.  If you don’t pay attention to your contracts, they can renew at rates higher than the “new” market.  To be the most efficient you need to pay close attention to the market options and negotiate well.  We know the tricks of the trade to negotiate the best deal for you.  You would be surprised at just how much we can help lower your ongoing technology bills.  We typically will save thousands of dollars per year.  Heck we saved one client over $800,000 in yearly expense!

  • Cost and Value Analysis
  • Bill Validation and Recovery
  • Network Architecture re-design
  • Contract Reviews and RFP Management
  • Vendor Negotiations

Ready to Optimize Your Business?